How to Setup a Private Blog Network

You’ve probably heard about the use of Private Blog Network to increase website page rank….

How to Setup a Private Blog Network

You’ve probably heard about the use of Private Blog Network to increase website page rank. Yeah it’s true that PBN can help you to build backlink. But do you know that it’s not easy to manage it especially if you have less budget?. Knowing how to setup a Private Blog Network could be the most important idea for you. It ‘s because the algorithm changes from time to time like the latest Fred update Google. When you know how to treat it step by step, you will also get more profit for Seo like guest post. So, let’s focus on how to setup a Private Blog Network in budget below.

Pay Attention about the Domain Price

Domain price becomes the first aspect to know how to setup a Private Blog network in budget. Less budget is the reason why you can’t have intend to own a PBN. There are still some ways to make your plan realized. Choosing the most suitable price will be beneficial for the continuity of your site. But there will be metrics that consist of age, region, backlinks, and other that are also important to think about.

Hosting Preparation

Hosting preparation is the second step how to setup a Private Blog Network in budget. If you make the wrong decision at the time you choose the domain, it will be difficult to pass this process. It’s because there are some elements related to hosting that require more budget. You have to deal with website setup, CMS, and etc. It will cost different per month according to your need.

RELATED ARTICLE  Basics of What is Private Blog Network?

Decide the Way to Get Content

The third step how to setup a Private Blog Network is decide the way to get content. If you want to avoid footprints, it’s very recommended to avoid low quality content. There are some ways you can try like scrapped, spinned, and duplicated. But it’s not a good idea, you can use more safety way or better if you can create it by yourself, but it could spend more time.

Management Strategy

Management strategy becomes the last step how to setup a Private Blog Network in budget. It does affect the continuity of your PBN in the future especially who want to build large network of PBN. That’s why you need to be smart in planning an efficient strategy that will not mess up your financial.