Blog Linking Strategies for SEO

Knowing how to improve search engine rank could be so intrigue these days. Although it…

Blog Linking Strategies for SEO

Knowing how to improve search engine rank could be so intrigue these days. Although it seems complicated, but you still can learn it even for beginners. For those who have a blog and want to get  visitors, you should optimize it with Search Engine Optimization or SEO. It’s because related to the process to get backlink. You can learn about Blog linking strategies for SEO through this article. If you only ever heard about content strategy, you should know that there are still other ways for blog linking with SEO below.

Create Outstanding Contents

As we discuss before, you already know that one of the blog linking strategies for SEO is content. Yeah it’s true that generating incoming link is can be started from content. But how it can compete with the other in search engine? You should make your content outstanding for your readers. Outstanding in here means that you content must be useful to be a resource including giving solution for any problems. Then you can maximize it by sharing to the social media. It’s also better for you to create video related to the topic you are discussing on your content. Include link to your blog and as the effect you can gain traffic.

Try Guest Post

The number two of blog linking strategies for SEO is try guest post. Contributing contents to other’s blog is also considered as a strategic way to get backlinks. It’s very good to try especially for those who have passion in writing. Share your thoughts about a topic you are good at on other blog then pitch your idea to the blog owner. You can make it better by building a good relationship so that you both get the same benefit. Merge with content provider to create something big to the readers. But always remember that you must share contents to specialize in the same niche.

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Use Private Blog Network

What’s the next way to conquer search engine? Private Blog Network also can be utilized to get backlink to your blog. This is the number three of blog linking strategies to apply. In Private Blog Network there are some terms you need to know such as money site and PBN itself. When you want to build money site, you should also make a set of PBN which consists of some PBNs, let’s say 5 until 10. Although it’s not a white hat tactic, you still can do it carefully. You can learn about PBN performance for backlink.

Set an Online Press Release Strategy

Looking for more innovative way to generate incoming link? You can set an online press release strategy. It also works similar to guest post because both parties get the same benefit. But you should create valuable contents through credible news organizations. This is the number four of blog linking strategies which necessary to apply. It’s because you have benefit to control backlinks by linking keyword in your press release to relevant pages on your blog. As the result, you will get incoming links.

Apply Internal Link Strategy

The number five of blog linking strategies for SEO is apply internal link. When you already passed the previous processes, it’s your time to optimize link building. You can use your blog with good page rank and link it to other pages within your site. It can improve more value to the other pages because it’s linked from high page rank blog or site.

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