Difference between Private Blog Network Links and Guest Post

Who don’t want to rank sites higher in the search engine?In this digital era, it’s…

Difference between Private Blog Network Links and Guest Post

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Who don’t want to rank sites higher in the search engine?In this digital era, it’s impossible to not include the search engine for some purposes like business. Then backlink becomes the crucial aspect in this focus. In getting backlinks, you can try guest post or something challenging like PBN. You might be questioning the differences between Private Blog Network links and guest post. Yes, these two are different from some point of views. If you want to know which one is worth to try, you can take a look at some points below.

Basics You Need to Know

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To start the discussion, it’s good to know how do PBN and guest post work. If you ever learned about what is Private Blog Network, you will know that it’s quite complicated to manage. There is something you need to always be careful which is footprint. As it belongs to the Grey Hat tactic, you have to make it safety. Letting your hosting, address, or email the same will lead you to risk. Then if you want to get a guest post on high quality sites, you will spend more money. While if you try guest post, you can get link from homepage, inner pages which means that you get more link juice. This is the first point of what makes Private Blog Network links and guest post are different.

Which One is Powerful?

After knowing the first point, you may understand bit about both link quality. There is still pros and cons about which one is better. But we can look back at the definition of guest post which is contributing article on someone’s site. It can be more beneficial when you promote your website by linking back contextually or in the author’s bio. While for PBN, you can control over your own backlinks even get money. So, both are actually powerful to get backlink, but there will be different process in doing these two techniques.Guest post gets links from real site/ blog and PBN is created for backlink purpose.

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Role in Today’s Seo

For the last difference between Private Blog Network links and guest post, this’s related to the role in Seo. According to the previous points, you can see that both of them have the important role in Search Engine Optimization. They can be good techniques in getting traffic as well as page rank.