Distributed Hosting Private Blog Network
In trying a Private Blog Network, there will be definitely lost of questions in your…
In trying a Private Blog Network, there will be definitely lost of questions in your head. Whether you want to manage it alone or using PBN service, you need to think twice or more. Don’t be surprised later if you need to spend a lot of time and budget to find a right domain, distributed hosting Private Blog Network, and maximizing contents. But in this article, the focus is on distributed hosting Private Blog tips. Hosting is as important as the other elements in building PBN. Don’t ever try to avoid its safety because it can damage your PBN on the whole. You can learn some things related to the PBN hosting below.
Choose the Suitable Hosting Provider
PBN hosting is one of those elements that influences de-index factor for blog network. No wonder that there are still many people in SEO go wrong in treating their hosting. Distributed hosting Private Blog Network does need attention especially for those who are new. You need to choose the suitable hosting provider first. if you want to get the best home for your site, you need to spend worth money. Don’t hope that you will be in a safe zone if you don’t spend cost. There are some options that you can choose based on your preference. GoDaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator are few example of hosting providers. Learn about how much it costs monthly and which benefits you will get before deciding the most suitable. For small PBNs, you can try to Easy Blog Networks, LaunchCDN, or Bulk Buy Hosting.
Aspects to Pay Attention about in Choose Hosting
The next step before distributed hosting Private Blog Network is pay attention to some aspects. It’s not always cheap to maintain hosting PBN. You need to prepare enough budget for all the stuffs. Renewal price is the number one to think about. Don’t only look at the monthly fee but also the hidden fees as well as the renewal price. Secondly, make sure that the hosting company has Cpanel. It’s because will help you to manage all the hosting facilities easily. Thirdly, pay attention about the Shared IP. Commonly, shared hosting plan gives you shared IP. Then you should also choose the one that doesn’t limit domains as well as WordPress support.
Knowing How Many Servers to Buy
The third step before distributed hosting Private Blog Network is knowing how many servers to buy. If you use the popular hosting companies like GoDaddy or Hostgator, you need that benefit to buy multiple servers with each company to get more IPs. Don’t worry that it will not leave any footprints.
Applying Diversity
Last but not least, before distributed hosting Private Blog Network, you need to apply diversity. It actually requires different strategy to manage hosting. But you need to avoid pattern since it’s not good in Google’ eyes. That’s why you need to mix the hosting, domain sources, and type of contents. Diversity is very important to apply if you want to rank site using PBN. It will be will be maximal to use PBN such as for backlink or guest post.