Fred Update Private Blog Network Tips

Google Algorithm seems like to make anyone frustrated. It’s reasonable because we can’t read how…

Fred Update Private Blog Network Tips

Google Algorithm seems like to make anyone frustrated. It’s reasonable because we can’t read how would the penalty punish our website. Every couple months Google launch update to target websites which provides less value and manipulating the result. Especially for those who have applied unsafe techniques like PBN. You really need to widen your knowledge about algorithm like Fred update Private Blog Network. For more basic, you can learn information about Fred update Google for Private Blog Network. This article will be more focusing on tips how to recovery website from this update. Don’t panic if you found your Private Blog Network affected by Fred update because you still can recover it buy doing some activities below.

Balance the Content and Ads to Recover from Fred Update Private Blog Network

The first way how to recover website from Fred Update Private Blog Network is balance the content and ads. As we know that Google really doesn’t like website with less value. There are some criteria that can make your website be categorized as safe. Creating high quality content is one of them. Not only that, you also need to make it readable. It will really affect the number of traffic. One more important thing, you should avoid content duplication. The more same contents appear in the search engine, he more also risk you get. While for the ads side, it’s better for you to avoid excessive ads.

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Check out the Backlink 

Move to the second way how to recover website from Fred Update Private Blog Network is check out the backlink. The amount of backlink as important as the quality of the content. That’s why you need to pay attention about it because it affect the quality of your PBN such as for guest post. The first thing you can do is make your link profile or link graph to be natural. There are some elements you can look at such as type of link, anchor text, no follow or follow ratio, and so on. These all which become Google  determination of  the value of your backlink profile. You can use backlink checker like SEMrush tool to find the bad links. After that you can let Google know it and omit these from their calculation.

Create User Friendly Website Design

Designing your website with user friendly is the third way how to recover website from Fred update Private Blog Network. It’s beneficial to help users navigate to the desired information. The more friendly your website design is, the more also possibility of supplemental links with ‘top content’ area. That’s why if you should apply this to your site.

Applying Healthy Domain Authority

The last way to recover your website from Fred update Private Blog Network is applying healthy domain authority. Whether your website purposes for earning money from ads or affiliate marketing, you need to have healthy domain authority. There are some criteria such as link back to healthy domain authority or have a social following. If you can apply these to your website, it will avoid you from the penalty.

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