How many Sites do You Need for a Private Blog Network to Work?

Make it away from being noticed by the search engine is a big concern in…

How many Sites do You Need for a Private Blog Network to Work?

Make it away from being noticed by the search engine is a big concern in building a Private Blog Network. It’s because in Seo, PBN violates google guidelines. But there are many people who find it effective to rank website. If you are questioning why do they still use PBN, it’s because they have control to link the anchor text and the content to money site. Are you getting confused? As a PBN owner, you should know some matters include how many sites do you need for a Private Blog Network to work. It requires you to learn about how to avoid being penalized by Google. You can keep track the rank of your website using tools like pbntester. Back again to the main discussion about how many sites do you need for a Private Blog Network to work, you can look at some information below.

Why is PBN necessary for You to Consider?

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There will be still some of you who doubt in using PBN. It might be because of its not safety strategy. But from the good side, it’s related to link building. The PBN links will boost ranking of the site in the search engine. Then backlink is one of the factors that can affect the ranking. It will work by passing  the link juice of site  to the websites that links to. But, if you want to manage a PBN, you should do more effort. It’s different with when you choose white hat tactic like guest post that focus more on content. But in PBN, you should make the sites to look more natural.

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There is no Minimum of Number

If we talk about how many sites do you need for a Private Blog Network to work, there is actually no exact answer. It actually depends on you business goals. But if you want to earn more profit, it’s good to use sites as many as you need. The more niche you have, there will be a possibility that you will get wider customers. That’s why as the owner, you need to look at the market demand for the niche.

When can It be Helpful?

In knowing when can PBN be helpful, we need to look at some criteria. Domain Authority, Page Authority, Citation Flow, and Trust Flow are some terms you need to remember. It’s because when you want your PBN to works well, it needs good score of the terms above. Besides, it should also have low OBL or Outbound Link and zero spam.