How to Build Private Blog Network and Rank Websites in 2016 Tips
As the biggest search engine in the world, Google changes its algorithm every year. 2016…
As the biggest search engine in the world, Google changes its algorithm every year. 2016 was a year that brought out the familiar algorithm like Google Panda, Google Penguin and Google Hummingbird. There were might be many webmasters who questioned about the release date. But every algorithm update always brings considerable changes to the ranking of search results include in that year. It truly attracts SEO enthusiast to be more aware in building their site like Private Blog Network. But you need to know how to build Private Blog Network and rank websites in 2016. There are already many people who use PBN to by pass quality backlink. If you want to get this benefit, you also have the same change. But you need to be patience to do the process how to build Private Blog Network and rank websites in 2016 below.
Checking the Expired Domain’s History
Strong domain criteria is something that makes PBN works well. It because affects the links in increasing the web position on the first page. That’s why you need to look and analyze the domain you want to buy. Commonly people prefer expired domain more to optimize their PBNs. You can learn what is expired domain. Back again to the steps how to build Private Blog Network and rank websites in 2016, expired domain’s history is very important element. It’s because Google will observe every domain that has been indexed. It will look at any aspects like anchor text and where do the links come from.
Make the Site to Look Similar to the Money Site
Making the site to look similar with the original is the second step how to build Private Blog Network and rank websites in 2016. Since you have to avoid impression of building a PBN, you need to make it more natural. When you already apply it, there will be small risk to be de-indexed by Google. Besides, you also need to include Author or ownership information. Even though it doesn’t showed in the SERPs, but it becomes a powerful ranking factor. As the result, you can make it more profitable like for guest post.
Optimizing PBN
Besides ownership matters, you still need to optimize your PBN. If you want to get profit through private blog, you need to fill your sites with relevant content and outbound links to authority pages. It requires skill to targeting keyword phrases for the topic you write. To be more optimal, you can connect the content you publish to social media.