How to Find Guest Bloggers Tips

After knowing why guest blogging is Important, there must be people or especially bloggers who…

How to Find Guest Bloggers Tips

After knowing why guest blogging is Important, there must be people or especially bloggers who are interested with guest blogging. For those who don’t know how to find guest bloggers, you can take a look at some tips in this article. Don’t worry if you still have low number of participation because there are some ways that you can try below.

Looking for the Guest Bloggers from Community

According to your problem, the first tips you can do is to be in a place where all people are in the same niche as yours. There are many places such as online community, forum, or social book marketing sites such as Twitter and Pinterest. You will find many types of people with different skills, content creator or discussion starter. Choose which types you prefer the most to be cooperate with. The more people you know, the easier way you get to make your blog be known.

Identify Them From Your Blog’s Comments

After looking for guest bloggers, the next tips you can do about how to find guest bloggers is identify them from your blog’s comments. You can start it from the simple ways such as make interaction with the other guest bloggers who are commenting on your posts. Treat them well by responding the comment they give and be like their “old friend”. When you already take their heart especially for the qualified bloggers, there will be a possibility to invite them to write with you.

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Add a Link at the End of Your Posts

As the purpose of guest blogging is for getting a quality backlink, you should do effort to make it true. Don’t only put the author’s bio at the end of the posts but also the additional information and link. You can simply tell that you allow people to guest blogging on your website.

Follow the Qualified Guest Blogger

The last step you can do of how to find guest blogger is follow the qualified guest blogger. As the blog owner, it’s your time to be more active in looking for the guest bloggers. Follow their blog or social media so that you can get to know more or even make a good relation.