How to Use Private Blog Network for Guest Posting
There is no doubt anymore in maximizing your guest posting. It’s because there is Private…
There is no doubt anymore in maximizing your guest posting. It’s because there is Private Blog Network or PBN. Although it needs to do carefully, but using Private Blog Network for guest posting could be more effective. If you want to know how to use Private Blog Network for guest posting, you can learn some steps through this article. As the purpose of link building or getting authority, PBN make your way faster. The high quality of backlink itself what makes PBN becomes a powerful strategy to increase your authority. So, what are you worrying about?
Create Unique Articles
If you are serious in using PBN for guest posting, you must do it maximally. Keep on your mind there is Google which keep an eye on you. You don’t want your effort to be wasted, right? Follow what Google wants by creating 100% unique articles. It’s actually no wrong if you use spun content. We all know that creating high quality contents spends much time. But, if you deal with PBN, it’s very recommended for you to create unique article which are readable. This is the first step of how to use Private Blog Network for guest posting.
Create Articles Which Related to the Money Site
Still related to the previous step of how to use Private Blog Network for guest posting, you also need to create articles which related to the money site. For instance when you have SEO or offer guest post service, it’s your responsibility to create content which links to your clients’ money site.
Knowing the Numbers and Location of Links
There is still uncertainty about the links back to your money site from a Private Blog Network. Some of people said that it’s good to use 1 link per site, but there are also people who use different approach. If your PBN site relevant with your money site, you can links back not more than 10. But it’s indeed will make sense if you do it in the same niche several times. Besides, you also need to know where you should put the links on your articles. First couple of paragraphs are the best place you can insert the links on your article. Don’t put it at the very bottom of your article because it will decrease the value. This is the next step you can follow about how to use Private Blog Network for guest posting.
Set Anchor Text on the Websites with High Quality Links
Pay attention about backlink profile is important in knowing how to use Private Network for guest posting. The most common problem happens is people use does not vary anchor text in creating backlink in PBN. If you still using the same anchor text in many network, it will be dangerous for yourself because it causes spam or un-natural contents. That’s why set anchor text on the websites with high quality links and set also balancing keywords on the websites with low link quality.