PBN Tips: How to Make Network Private

In Private Blog Network, ideally, each domain makes its network private. In the past, the…

PBN Tips: How to Make Network Private

In Private Blog Network, ideally, each domain makes its network private. In the past, the creation of PBN was to get high ranking. That’s why there were bunch number of PBNs existed. But it didn’t not accompanied by the quality. As the consequence, Google de-indexed suspected websites. However, as the time flies, there are  Seo specialists who make PBN becomes more powerful for link building. You can learn about how to create a Private Blog Network. Then you can continue to follow some PBN tips how to make network private. As it’s not included in the White Hat technique, you are as newbies need to make the right decision. It’s because the wrong way you follow, the footprints you will get.

Hosting Multiple Domain with Different IP Address

You can start how to make network private from the domain. Before we plan to have a ready PBN, wee need to buy the right domain. Right in here means that it’s according to some criteria. Commonly, high quality domain has good DA, PA, and TF. You also need to look at the budget you have in buying a domain. After that, optimize the privacy by using multiple domain with different IP address. It’s actually your right to decide the number of hosting. But if you only use the same for all, Google will see something suspicious on your blog. So, it’s better to set it before as well as the IP address, it must be see varies.

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Put a Link to the Useful Website

The next step how to make network private is put a link to the useful website. As it’s media to get backlink, you need to link your site to the authority website. Avoiding footprint becomes our concern. Don’t make an impression of PBN. You need to be really careful in treating your blog. Related to the link, it’s better to link only to useful websites.

Make Sure each Domain Links to Money Site only Once

The third aspect you need to think about how to make network private is domain. Linking to your money site is necessary. You need to find a way how to get backlink and give them in return. But you also need to know that linking to your money site will lead you into trouble. As an anticipation, it’s better to links to money site only once.

Design every Page

While from the inside of your PBN sites, you can design every page. Besides applying diversity for the hosting and IP address, website design also takes effect. It will be very beneficial to make your PBN looks like real site. As the result, you can avoid footprint and utilize it for more beneficial activities like guest post.