Tips to Get Back Links to Your Site

For Internet marketing out there, you must be familiar with back links. But for those…

For Internet marketing out there, you must be familiar with back links. But for those who are still new in SEO, you need more time to know about what are actually back links. If you don’t know, backlinks are those links which put on other websites in order to link back to your website which is being optimized. Then what’s so important about back links? They are very useful to make your website popular as we as get page rank in search engine. From this simple explanation, you can imagine how important back links are. If you want to know how to get back links to your site, you can look at some simple tips below.

Go to Trusted Websites and Drop Link to Your Site

In this internet era, you should not miss opportunities such as for back links. You can find some trusted websites which allow you to drop link to your site. Lets say when you are looking for any topics, there must be some websites you find it useful. If you ever heard or already know Quora, it’s one of the examples to apply this strategy. You can help people or giving solution for what they ask. At the time you give solution, you can include link to your site.

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Add Link to Your Social Media

Besides through specific websites related to your back links need, you can apply it also on your social media. The more social media which allow you to put link to your website, the faster way you get. It may sounds simple, but it does give real effect to your site especially when you have large number of active followers.

Maximize Your Web Content Writing

When you are already focusing on getting back links to your site, you have to deal with web content writing. It’s very different with when you write contents on your website without using SEO strategy. In writing web content writing, you should know well about certain strategy such as readable contents. If you want high traffic, you must create content and give accurate information to the readers. Besides, you must also do research of the keyword which are preferable by the readers.

Apply Link Bait Strategy

Still in the focus of content, you can apply link bait strategy to attract more visitor. But don’t fool them by creating amazing title only because you also must pay attention about your content. It’s your responsibility to create informative high quality content. If you only attract them with the title, they will be disappointed when they read your articles. So, make it balance for the title and the contents. You can apply link bait strategy by putting few parts of articles which related to the content you are writing. Make sure that those few parts can attract readers to open the link and directed to another article on your website.


Write Guest Post

The next strategy you can do is write guest post on other sites. Guest post itself is an act of contributing article on other websites. It’s a strategic way too if you want to get back links to your website. But you must find website with good credibility. It’s because there will be a possibility if ou do guest post on website which already has good image.

Use Private Blog Network

The other strategy to apply in getting back links to your website is use Private Blog Network or PBN. For those who know nothing about PBN, you can learn about what is Private Blog Network first. According to the it, you will know what are the points of why you should PBN for back links. But it’s a good strategy to get high quality backlink.

Apply Do Follow

The last strategy you can apply is “Do Follow”. If you don’t know yet, this kind of link is useful to tell search engine like Google to follow targeted website or page. Usually, it’s applied with adding ‘rel’ to the HTML, for example: “<a href=’’ rel=’dofollow’>Google</a>”. It does a strategic way to get high Google Page Rank to try.