How to Create a Private Blog Network
Since 2005, Private Blog Network already showed its existence. There were already Seo specialists who…

Since 2005, Private Blog Network already showed its existence. There were already Seo specialists who used PBN for some reasons. But for those who are not familiar yet with link building, it will be more difficult. That’s why you need to learn how to create a Private Blog Network for beginners. Basically, PBN is optimized to by pass the quality backlink. But because of its Grey Hat tactic, it still needs more time to spend as well as the budget. Domain will be the first element you need to focus on. Even though you can simply go to the marketplace, but you will still need more time to look at the domain’s history and metric. You already can’t wait to find out how to create a Private Blog Network, right? You can follow some important points below.
Look for the Suitable Hosting
The first important point how to create a Private Blog Network is look for the suitable hosting. Same as when you buy a house, you need to look at the offers. There are some aspects you need to look at include fee or funds. If you have less budget, you can choose hosting with less expensive price. But it’s better for you not to use Seo hosting for PBN because it will be easily detected by Google.
Observe Low Competitive Keyword
Observing keywords is a must when you have to deal with internet business. You should make your money site with targeted keyword. But since you are beginners, you can start it from low competitive Keyword. Its because when you apply high level of competition, it will be difficult to be on the first page in the search engine. That’s why, it’s better if you do it gradually.
Pay Attention to the CMS
Content Management System or CMS is the next important point how to create a Private Blog Network. There are many options related to the CMS. But it depends on what you need more. You can choose the most common CMS WordPress or the others like Weebly and Joomla. But the more it varies, the more optimal also your PBNs. Even you can utilize it to be more profitable like for guest post. It becomes an effective way to get backlink from Private Blog Network.
Vary the Anchor Text
The fourth step how to create a Private Blog Network is vary the anchor text. After you post the articles, you still need to plan backlinks to your money site. There is no actually an exact rule, but make it vary is good for Seo. Using the same anchor text which is similar with the keyword will cause bad influence.