Holistic Marketing Concept

Holistic marketing is a concept in marketing that is an entity (not) limited only. Many…

Holistic marketing is a concept in marketing that is an entity (not) limited only. Many companies today use the holistic marketing concept to maintain the level of sustainability in the business world. Companies use this concept to see unity that integrates with various other elements. These elements are customers (consumers), stakeholders, and suppliers.

Holistic Marketing

Consumers have a big share in success or profit sharing, so companies should see consumers as part of the company.

The interests of shareholders, stakeholders, and suppliers each also have a role and contribution to the continuity of an entity.

Factors Beyond Entities

The credibility of the company will come not only from the company’s performance or its excellent financial statements. All factors that exist outside of entities, consumers, shareholders, creditors, and many will greatly determine the level of credibility of the company.

Therefore, such fraud beautifying financial statements made by Enron brothers has very clearly proven the holistic marketing concept that integrates all interested parties. The goal is to create transparency and ultimately will boost the company’s credibility. Because business is not always a matter of “profit”. Then what is the application of holistic concepts within the company?

One example of a holistic marketing concept within the internal scope is the existence of separate and distinct departments like there are departments of sales, accounting, finance, research and development, products, and human resources.

The purpose of this separate department is to prevent fraud. In addition to reducing fraud internally, the goal is to make all products generated according to “market demand” or consumer desires.

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Thus, we can conclude the concept of holistic marketing has a role both internally and externally.. Internally, this concept maintains honesty that can lead to bankruptcy. And externally is creating a good relationship between the company and external parties (consumers, communities, and suppliers).