What is Guest Blogging?

Brand awareness is very important to have for your business. If you already done any strategies but didn’t get the luck yet. You can try a strategy called as Guest Blogging. But what is guest blogging? You should know it first. It’s a method done by the blog owner to increase traffic. Not only that, it’s also a medium for us to honing our writing skills. If you are serious to promote your website or blog, it’s a good way to do. This is the simple definition of what is guest blogging. For more specific and detail, you can see the explanation below.

Who are Involved in Guest Blogging?

In understanding what is guest blogging, you should know who are the parties. Because you don’t do it alone, of course you need help from the other parties. In guest blogging, there are author, publisher, and the audiences. If you are an author, you need to find publishers who are in the same line as you. It means that they have the same niche you are focus on right now. For the audiences, you should know how to satisfy them with your content so that they will back again to read the articles you post later.

Why Do You Need Guest Blogging?

As we know that there are many reasons why guest blogging is important. But the most benefit of guest post you can get is it’s mutually beneficial. For the author, as we discuss before about what is guest blogging, it can promote your brand or blog with less expensive budget. How about the publishers? They also can get the benefits of more fresh contents. We all know that creating a qualified content is not easy. There are guest blog post examples that you can learn from which are “Marketing A Book Via Guest Posting” by John Jantsch and “Take your Business From Zero to 100k Customers” by Buffer. Learn anything about how these two person create their contents.

What You Need to Pay Attention About?

After knowing about who are the parties and why they need guest blogging, you should pay attention about some things. Although it gives us real benefits, but there will be also the risk. Passing Page Rank to our domain is the benefit of writing content in the other’s blog or website. But because of this, sometimes it’s misused by some people. That’s why you need to do guest blogging carefully to avoid Google penalty.