Beginner to Advanced Guide to Building a Private Blog Network

If you are interested to try Private Blog Network or you already manage it but…

Beginner to Advanced Guide to Building a Private Blog Network

If you are interested to try Private Blog Network or you already manage it but need idea for improvement, you can learn beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network. Both newbie and advanced have the same opportunity in maximizing Private Blog Network. Although it’s not a white hat strategy, but PBN give effective performance for the goal you want to reach. Let’s follow beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network Below

In learning about Private Blog Network or PBN, you need to familiar yourself with some terms. This is very important to know for the beginners. PBN itself is a collection of domain which owned by individual in order to linking to the money site. Then what’s the benefit of using PBN in SEO? As it links to your money site, it will help you to boost page rank in search engine. It’s already proved by some people who apply the right strategy in utilizing PBN.

Choosing Strategy to Find Domain

AS we discussed before, you should familiar yourself first with some terms in PBN. The first term you should know is domain. It’s a unique name to identify IP address. It’s very useful for the internet users in accessing the server. In PBN, the most common domain used by people namely Expired Domain. It’s a domain whose active period is not extended by the previous owner. You can find it from registrar which marked by “Available”. There are some strategies you can apply to find domain which are by Scraping, Auctions, Back ordering, or find a Broker.

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Do you want to know what are the differences between each strategy above? This article will explain it one by one in simple explanation. If you apply Scraping strategy, it requires you to use bot which checks the outbound links automatically of the website. It’s beneficial to see if there are websites which are offline. You can use trick by looking for the old page through old articles from years ago. Search something generic and specific such as “Business Blogs” and click “Search Tools” to specific years. You will find some websites and put them on the list you make to be chosen later. The next step you go to NameCheap and use the bulk tool to see the domain availability. For the next step will be discuss in the next point.

Auction Websites

The second strategy you can do is using auction websites. Before scraping, people preferred auction more. It’s because you can find more powerful domain which requires you to buy quick because of you are competing with others. But you must adjust your budget first if you want to use this strategy. There are some sites that you can use for auctions which are  GoDaddy, NameCheap, and NameJet.

Back Ordering

The third strategy namely Back ordering. It’s more advanced than the previous because you can request the expired domain which not dropped yet. By using the back ordering service, there will be drop catching which is the activity of re-checking if the domain can be registered yet. You can utilize DropCatch, SnapNames, and NameJet.

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Find a Broker

The last strategy to use is find a Broker. There are some Broker websites that you can utilize to buy the domain such as PureQualityDomains, HighPADomains, and TBSolutions. Choose this way or the previous then purchase the domain to registrars like NameCheap, DynaDot, or GoDaddy.

Measuring Domain Quality

The next beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network you should do is measuring the domain Quality. There are some metrics you need to learn which are Domain Authority, Page Authority, Trust Flow, and Citation Flow. Make sure that the domain you want to purchase has referral or good score. Commonly, domain with 30+ metric score is considered as good. Besides, you also should look at the number of the backlink and anchor text. This is very important to do in Seo such as for guest post. You can utilize some tools which are OpenSiteExplorer, Bulk DA Checker, Majestic, and Ahrefs to know the metrics.

Find the Hosting

Find the hosting is the next beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network. It’s the next step for you to make your websites live. It requires you to set up different hosting for each website you have. You should know that using the same name server for all websites is not safety. As the consequence, Google can tract your website and give penalty. There are some examples of premium shared hosts to use such as BlueHost, ASmallOrange, and GreenGeeks.

Setting Up Your Website

After finding the host, the next beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network is setting up your website. You can install WordPress and optimize it more. There are many aspects you should pay attention about. It starts from the themes, page format, niche, and complete it with great content of articles. You can optimize the WordPress Plugin and Setting according to your strategy.

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Use Strategy to Linking to Your Money Site

Next beginner to advanced guide to building a Private Blog Network is linking to your money site. As your purpose is to get high page rank in search engine, you need to do this strategy. There are some things you need to pay attention about. You should create one more blog post to link to each money site. Be careful in treating your money site so that Google will not punish you. It’s better for you to include around 4 links in total to authority sites rather than  linking to more than 8 money sites.

More Strategies to Apply

What else next level strategy that you can learn in building PBN? You can apply Bot Blocking. According to its name, Private Blog Network doesn’t mean that it’s private to search engine. It refers more to your competitors which also use PBN. By using Bot Blocking, you can hide your PBN sites from the tools like,, or There will be some codes you can put but you need to download htaccess File first.