Guideline in Finding PBN Domains

Investing a Private Blog Network not optimally will led yourself into trouble. You might be…

Guideline in Finding PBN Domains

Investing a Private Blog Network not optimally will led yourself into trouble. You might be a newbie who doesn’t know well how to manage a PBN. End up your effort with bad domains is a Big No. That’s why you must be more careful to find the PBN domains. Whether you prefer registering the domain by yourself or auction, It’s really necessary to follow the guideline. Plan your new network and get quality domains. There are some basics you can learn about PBN domains below.

Knowledge Yourself about PBN Domains

Firstly, you should convince yourself about some types of domains. As it’s stated before, you have right to choose which one is the most suitable. Did you ever heard about some types like expired domain and auction? These two examples are good to use in building a Private Blog Network. It’s because they have inbound backlinks from high authority site. You can learn how to find expired domain for PBN. For those who have a plan for Seo purposes like guest post or increasing search engine website ranking, you can use these type of domains. Then familiar yourself about the basics of Seo metrics which are Domain Authority, Trust Flow, Citation Flow, and Referring Domains. There are some tools to check how powerful your PBN domains going to be such as Ahrefs, Moz, and Majestic SEO.

Make Sure about the Backlink Profile

The next step before finding the right PBN domains is make sure about the backlink profile. As it’s the foundation of network, domains becomes the most important part. Knowing from where you get the backlink is a must. Based on its type, PBN belongs to Grey Hat tactic. Don’t make it worse by getting bad backlink. There are things to avoid related to links. The places to get backlink should not contain of porn, gambling, and drugs.

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Checking the Backlink Spam

Besides make sure about the backlink profile, check its spam is also necessary. Once you’ve selected a domain, then you can continue for the next step  of spamming checking. Remind yourself that the domain should be worth registering. You can take a look at the anchor text. When it’s being too high, it will become  dangerous. Don’t try to use places with too high anchor text if you want to avoid Google Penalty. Then in finding out if the domains don’t share  backlinks with spammy sites, you can use a tool. Besides, suspecting random sites whose comment contains of spam is also necessary.

Look at the History

Look at the domains history becomes the next step how to find the right PBN domains. When you are already sure to use which was used before, you can take a look at its history. It’s very important to reveal about what this website is used for. If it shows a good information, you can use the domain. While if it contains of porn or gambling, it’s not a good idea t pick it up.