Setup Private Blog Network Properly

In using Private Blog Network or PBN, you might be stress on link building strategy….

Setup Private Blog Network Properly

In using Private Blog Network or PBN, you might be stress on link building strategy. It’s because everyone’s purpose is to get backlink. Reaching the SERP is what they need. There are many advantages you can get from PBN such as for guest post. It’s considered to be a good medium to connect with authoritative sites. But knowing how to set up Private Blog Network properly also as important as link building. Even the SEO experts also develop themselves to create more and more strategies to make their PBN run well. If you have a plan to manage a PBN, it’s better for you to focus on how to set it up first. There are some tips that you can learn about how to set up Private Bog Network properly below.

Make Sure You Use Different Hosting Account

Hosting is the number one you need to set properly for PBN. You should make sure that you use different account. It’s not a good idea to use 1 IP address for all websites. It will be dangerous if you use apply that way as multiple websites interlink to 1 IP address. It will cause Google penalty and it will make your efforts useless. So, if you don’t want to get caught, you must apply using different hosting companies.

Don’t Use Only 1 Name for Domain

The next important thing for your PBN to set properly is domain. It’s actually similar with the previous strategy. You should really avoid to use only 1 name for domain. There are many domain registrars that you can choose. Your job is to make it diverse by using different registrars as possible. If you end up with 1 name one 1 registrar account, it will be dangerous. That’s why it’s better to mix the different registrars so that you will not leave footprint.

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Avoid Impression of Private Blog Network

As the name implies, Private Blog Network works privately or not publicly. It means that you can’t let your PBN to be seen by the search engine because PBN is not a white hat strategy. According to this case, you need to avoid impression of Private Blog Network. The common mistake often made by most people is using the same template, plugins, and others. It’s a big no to do it for your Private Blog Network. If you use blog creation platform like WordPress, it’s better for you to set a right strategies such as mix the different social profiles and make your contents unique.

Optimize Private Blog Network

When you already set your PBN properly, you still need to optimize it. Managing or maintaining are two important things to make your PBN online. It requires you to always ensure that your PBN is online and not de-indexed by Google. That’s why you need to be up to date to check these issues so that you can make the domain metrics better.